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Fill: Il Cielo In Una Stanza / The World We Live In

(This is a past event and is no longer running)

Who is an Italian writer? Who can claim ownership of a language? In this unique collaborative performance, devised especially for FILL, six bilingual authors from different backgrounds come together for a poetic exploration of language and identity. A one-of-a-kind poetry event, exploring themes of belonging, multilingualism, exile, and the power of words to overcome borders.


A collaborative poetry performance by:
Katherine Angel is the author of Unmastered: A Book on Desire, Most Difficult to Tell (Penguin/Allen Lane). She has written extensively on sexuality, psychiatry, feminism, and gender. She teaches fiction and non-fiction at Birkbeck University.
Simon Barraclough is the author and editor of several books, including Sunspots (Penned in the Margins, 2015), Laboratorio (Sidekick Books, 2015), Neptune Blue (Salt Publishing, 2011), and Bonjour Tetris (Penned in the Margins, 2010).

Alessandro Burbank is a poet and performer. He devised the Palestine Project, promoting rap and poetry on the West Bank, and is an active contributor to LIPS, the Italian Slam Poetry League. He has performed widely in Italy and the UK.
Maria Borio is a poet, critic, and a poetry editor. Her poems have featured in Almanacco dello SpecchioPoesia and on the Journal of Italian Translation. Her collection L’altro limite is forthcoming with Lietocolle in 2018.

Marzia D’Amico is a poet and academic. She is currently working towards a PhD at the University of Oxford, with a thesis titled Homer’s Daughters. Issues, themes and expressions of feminine epic in modern Italian poetry.

Chrissy Williams is a poet and editor. Her first full poetry collection, Bear, has been published by Bloodaxe in 2017. She is the director of the Free Verse Poetry Fair. She has performed her poetry at the Royal Albert Hall, the Southbank Centre and for BBC Radio 3.


Livia Franchini (writer and translator, Goldsmiths University).

Additional Information

Panel Discussion.

This event will be in a creative mix of English and Italian.