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Outside In: Luiza Furtado

(This is a past event and is no longer running)

We are delighted to announce that artist Luiza Furtado will share her video Casulo as part of Outside In.


“Casulo is a video performance developed as collateral of my research within birth. I kept the broken pieces of a convex mirror owned by my mother; that sharp puzzle accompanied me through reflection on ancestrality and distorted feminine rites. I would recognize that fragmented material as a vehicle to experience other possibilities of body movement. When I dance, exposed to cutting objects, attention and conscience shall be extreme. The practice initiated once I sewed a cloth organ to gestate this collection of shards; it would protect the perineum while I carried it in the overall. This performance intended to reveal the different nature of gesture, spontaneous yet careful.

Once I give birth to this package, the viewer becomes aware of its hidden content. The proposition of sewing onto the chest shredded mirror would transform what is occult onto symbolic armor. It’s an attempt to access fragility and welcome an atmosphere that pulses for strength.” – Luiza Furtado

Luiza Furtado

Luiza Furtado was born in Florianópolis in 1999. She lives and works in Rio de Janeiro.

Luiza uses media such as painting, sewing and video to articulate the plunge into the density of mysticisms, paradigms and discoveries that permeate the female universe.

She completed her undergraduate studies in Product Design at the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage.

Luiza participated in the web residence Futuros Possíveis in the Largo das Artes space, Rio de Janeiro (May, 2020) curated by Gabriela Maciel and Yasmine Ostendorf. She has presented her work since 2016 in group exhibitions curated by the gallery Úmida. She held her first solo exhibition Pigmento at the Ble Galeria with independent curatorship in 2018. In 2019, she participated in the collectives Corpo Serpente, Bicho, Femme Alma Fala and Intersecções poéticas. In 2020, she participated in the collective exhibition Female Protagonism: Sorority and Empowerment at the OAB in Jabaquara in São Paulo, curated by Letícia Mercier and Suelen Lima, which unfolds the documentary with the same name, produced through the call for proposals Cultura Present in SECERJ’s networks, and ended the year by participating in the exhibition Arte Sem Fronteiras-Bienal Black.